Friday, April 15, 2011

Week 2



There's actually a lot of different ways of going about this. I offered some suggestions for them, as you can see in the redline. First of all, I found the entire bottom half of his pose unconvincing, as it was too low. Now this has to do with the fact that I interpreted his sitting posture as being a bit slouching and leaning forward. Judging by the content of the image, I think such a lazy posture would be more suiting anyways. Which means there is some forshortening, and part of his torso would be hidden at that angle. There were a few parts here and there I found were a bit skewed, particularly his eyes--now I don't know too much about Tron, but I think the eyes were slanted just a little bit too much. If it was done on purpose stylistically, then I'll understand. I couldn't decide whether or not his head should have been angled up or down; the position of the nose and mouth suggests down, but the angle of the nose suggests up. So I went with slightly downwards. I also found the posture of the right arm didn't feel like it was curling around her shoulder particularly much, and I don't think we can see all his fingers from this angle. And her helmet was a bit too small. I found the girls legs were a bit too thick, and I didn't know how the right girl's hand was supposed to be positioned. I thought she should have been putting some weight on it, so it looked a bit strange from that angle, considering the floor is flat and not at an angle. And if she's not leaning on that arm, I gave an alternate suggestion.

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